Vision & Purpose


Why the Climate Coaching Alliance?

We are catalysts for a profound shift in human awareness, empowering the global coaching community to embrace the deep and urgent questions of the climate and ecological crisis. Through our work, we cultivate the conditions for systemic change, nurturing a truly regenerative future – giving life to the forest of life. We move forward with purpose, knowing that time is short, and planning for the day when our role is no longer needed.

What is ours to do?

We focus specifically on three inter-related missions:

  1. Transforming our practice – We bring together coaches, coaching psychologists, coaching supervisors, facilitators and other leadership professionals sharing resources, exploring practice, and hold dialogue in order to create the capacity to play its part in meeting the climate and ecological emergency.
  2. Transforming our impact – By developing our practice we provide clients (individuals, leaders and their teams) with the agency to step into our necessary leadership role as we engage more fully with the climate and ecological emergency. 
  3. Transforming the profession – We intend to inspire and enable the global coaching and related professions to expand their awareness and influence in service to making progress on the wicked problems that are the climate and ecological emergency.

We are committed to supporting the development of multiple approaches to meet the complexity of the challenge within different contexts.

What’s important about how we work?

The CCA employs the principles of livings systems in the way in which we operate. These principles are so important to us that our values are embedded into our principles of operation.

  1. Self-organisation: we provide minimum structure and co-ordination to enable our community of members to contribute their unique gifts to each other. To that end, we give permission to all members to utilize and contribute to the development of the CCA architecture, and expertise to support and create systems change.
  2. Inclusiveness, diversity and connection (relationships) are important to support the resilience of us as individuals and as a community.
  3. Being a free, loving, global, inclusive community that builds relationships between people and planet, raising awareness towards a flourishing future.

We hold space for personal, professional, social and ecological growth, through dialogue, networking, skill sharing, storytelling, and action.

We deliver our purposes through:

  • Working as a Community – Developing our collective capability, capacity and commitment through the ‘learning labs’ of our global community, local communities, language communities and communities of interest (pods).
  • Challenging – Compassionately challenging our understanding of coaching and coaching psychology practice broadly, to effect alignment with a truly regenerative future.
  • Disrupting – Exploring and augmenting coaching training approaches and intersectional ideas that guide how we practice and how people entering the profession are trained. 

Our strategic focus

  1. Nurture and connect agile, emergent and open learning “Pods” and Communities to foster thinking, innovation and action.
  2. Being a learning environment that develops insight, coaching capability and confidence through workshops, talks, events, videos and other resources.
  3. Capture resources in The Hive – a knowledge bank available to all.
  4. Influencing the coaching profession to include climate and nature in all coach training and development programs.
  5. Collaborate across aligned global networks of professions, groups and movements to enable cross-pollination and to augment our collective capability.
  6. Influence key players in the wider system to step further into their agency (eg. politicians etc).