The CCA Hive

A Living System

Hives are a testament to unity and what can grow when like-minded beings come together as one under a common goal.

– Ruth H Hopkins

In-House Bees

As a beehive has specific cells with specific purposes, our CCA 'communities of practice' are focused on specific climate coaching issues and knowledge resources.

Meet some in-house bees here.

The Honey Pot

The beehive represents personal growth and self improvement, and bees value conservation and storage of their resources. The CCA's resources include research, events, books, an extensive video library and courses.

Check out the CCA Honey Pot here.

Field Bees

Bees have a unique communication system - they perform the 'waggle dance' to inform other bees of a nectar source they've found. The dance can provide direction, distance and quality of the source.

The CCA waggle dance starts here.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find in the Hive…

Books & Videos