Transforming Ecological Anxiety Pod: Making Eco-meanings
As the increase of emissions causes an increase in ecological anxiety, larger and larger proportions of the global population seek ways to adapt. One way can be found by looking at the ideas of existential therapy which have been offered by Pierre-Eric Sutter and Loic Steffan in Don’t Be Afraid of Collapse (2020). Their simple framing of the planetary crisis and the “eco-gestures” required to discover happiness in the mid-21st century can be learned by both adults and young people. There is a way to first examine and then to change one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This results in a different worldview.
Pierre-Eric Sutter spent several years conducting thousands of interviews with people who had become completely demoralized after learning about collapsology by reading How Everything Can Collapse (P. Servigne) in 2015. It was a best seller in France that year. Sutter is an existential therapist and he noticed that many of the demoralized people were able to transform their state of being and generate positivity and happy living despite the collapses that they witnessed around them (climate, diversity, supply chains, politics, democracy, etc.), collapses which continue today. On March 17th in the CCA Fringe Festival, these ideas were presented (https://www.climatecoachingalliance.org/event/transforming-ecological-anxiety-pod/). There are four main concepts. In this meeting, after an overview description, the second concept about “making eco-meanings” will be examined in detail. There will be two breakout-room opportunities as well as a general discussion. Each monthly Zoom meeting on the first Tuesday of the month will discuss either being with changes, making (eco-)meanings, making (eco-)choices, or engaging.
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Event Timezone Reference - United States
Presenter(s) Bio
<p>Robert Bell is a former elementary, middle school, and high school teacher. He was credentialled to teach Life Science students, Behavior Disordered students, Emotionally Disturbed students, Learning Handicapped students, and Hmong students over a period of 26 years. The students' ages ranged from 8 years old to 17 years old.</p> <p>He is involved in the Climate Coaching Alliance Young People and Education Pod. This training is targeted primarily towards adults. The concepts of existential psychology which are central to this presentation can later be simplified and targeted towards our youth, who ultimately will carry the greatest burden of ecological anxiety. However, by transforming their thinking, feeling, and acting, people of all ages will be able to face the climate emergency with active optimism.</p>
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Robert Bell
Email - rfbbbbb@gmail.com
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