•The French Community of the Climate Coaching Alliance invites you to a workshop (zoom) allowing you to experience how “honoring our pain for the world” can be a key phase opening up to commitment and action in our personal and professional lives, in the face of the climate and ecological emergency.
•This workshop is inspired by the Work That Reconnects, a methodology developed by Joanna Macy, an American environmental activist committed for more than 50 years to peace, justice and the protection of the planet. The Work That Reconnects invites us to explore our connection to the Alive through a 4-step spiral: grounding in gratitude, honoring our pain for the world, seeing with new eyes and going forth.
•Christine Kristof, an eco-journalist committed to the themes of eco-spirituality and facilitator of the Work That Reconnects, will present the theoreticalfoundations and the keys to mobilization for the « Great Turning ».
•We will experience one of the stages of the spiral.
The workshop will be recorded for the part corresponding to the presentation of the Work That Reconnects.
•La Communauté France de la Climate Coaching Alliance vous convie à un atelier (zoom) permettant d’expérimenter comment « honorer sa peine pour le monde » peut être une phase clés ouvrant à l’engagement et à l’action dans nos vies personnelle et professionnelle, face à l’urgence climatique et écologique.
•Cet atelier s’inspire du Travail Qui Relie, une méthodologie élaborée par Joanna Macy, militante écologiste américaine engagée depuis plus de 50 ans pour la paix, la justice et la protection de la planète. Le Travail Qui Relie nous invite à explorer notre lien avec le Vivant à travers une spirale en 4 étapes : s’enraciner dans la gratitude, honorer notre peine pour le monde, porter un nouveau regard et aller de l’avant.
•Christine Kristof, éco-journaliste engagée sur les thèmes de l’écospriritualité et facilitatrice du Travail Qui Relit, nous présentera les fondements théoriques du Travail Qui Relie et les clés de la mobilisation pour le Changement de Cap.
•Nous expérimenterons une des étapes de la spirale.
L’atelier sera enregistré : uniquement la partie qui couvre la présentation de la méthode.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - France
Presenter(s) Bio
Christine Kristof-Lardet is an eco-journalist, photographer, “press officer” for the Earth and the Living, who explores the different dimensions of deep ecology, eco-spirituality and the sensitive connection to the Living. Founder of the Présence magazine for the Forum104, she now devotes herself more fully to the magazine Esprit de Nature (created in 2021) which delves intoher favorite subjects. She is also the author of the book “On Earth and in Heaven; spiritual places committed to ecology ”(Labor and Fides - 2019) (and‘Spriritualité pour le Terre’ wibesite which supplements it). Committed to the field, she is the co-founder of the Sacred Ecosites Network, the United Christians for the Earth movement, the AnimaTerra association and the Vivre Reliés ecosystem (which brings together the various initiatives and actors around these thematic). Today, she divides her time dedicated to the ecological cause between participation in various associations, the animation of Work That Reconnects workshops, the support of places and people in eco-spiritual transition, the organization of events, the writing and management of the journal Esprit de Nature and the animation of the Vivre Reliés platform.
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Event Language - French
Posted By - Bruno Rousseau
Email - bruno.rousseau@lavoieducontact.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Fabienne Vaillant began her career in operational/product marketing for several luxury French brands. She then built on her operational executive coaching experience during 20 years within large french and international groups, supporting leaders, managers and their teams, in all types of industries. Fabienne’s mission today is to prepare change agents to co-build ecosystems able to create solutions with a positive impact, by developing inspired, self conscious, participative and cooperative leadership. She is an accomplished coach, advisor, and facilitator that dedicates her professional efforts to private clients, both in France and internationally, who desires to transition to more resilient , generative and contributive way of working through Personal and Professional Life Projects and collective organic models. Trained at the the Institute of Desirable Futures (positive prospective) and engaged with expert partners, she creates innovative approaches, individual and collective, to serve “ PeoplePlanetProfit”. She has the pleasure to work with men and women, entrepreneurs, managers, leaders, willing to grow and succeed both professionally and personally , and to contribute to economic and social change. Member of the CCA France group, and animating EMCC92, she lives in Paris.`
Spare Field - Not in use - Bruno Rousseau is a Gestalt therapist, coach, supervisor and heads a training institute in Gestalt posture. Its job is to support transitions here & now and for future generations, in harmony with our environment. Bruno relies particularly on the "experience of contact" as a means of responsible and innovative personal, organizational and societal transformations. He contributes to developing an Ecogestalt, an alliance between ecology and Gestalt in the service of the Living, in particular through an embodied awareness of the principles of impermanence and interdependence. Bruno is the happy father of a family of 3 children ; he practices karate-do and Zen Buddhism. Publications: Co-writing of the chapter Gestalt and Enterprise, in Le Grand Livre de la Gestalt; Coaching and Gestalt Chapter in The Coaching Golden Book ; LinkedIn article “For an ecogestalt in the service of transitions and the Living”. Member of the CCA France group, ICF & SFCoach.