Exploring Deep Time : How can we Become Good Ancestors?
“It is a painful irony that we who have more timesaving devices than any culture in history are the most time-harried and driven. The paradox is only apparent, however, for our time scarcity is linked to the very time-efficiency of our technology. Measure of time, once based on changing seasons and wheeling stars, then much later the ticking of the clock, is now parceled out in nanoseconds. We have lost time as a biologically measurable experience.” – Joanna Macy
Join us as we begin to explore the concept of Deep Time from the lens of the Work that Reconnects. So often, we parcel out our moments in smaller and smaller increments of time – and what is the result? Many of us feel too exhausted, too burnt out, to do much towards the climate crisis. Worse, our fast-paced, instant gratification culture is largely what has plunged the planet into crisis in the first place. Was there once a different way of perceiving and understanding time, and how might we benefit from connecting again to the idea of Deep Time?
During this free one-hour session, we will explore the benefits of Deep Time work and engage in a couple of activities from Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, which will enable us to stretch our imagination towards the future. By truly putting ourselves in the shoes of future generations, we can start to look at how we, today, might start to shape ourselves into becoming better ancestors.
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Event Timezone Reference - GMT+1
Presenter(s) Bio
Linda Aspey - founding member of CCA. Linda Aspey is a coach, facilitator, therapist & speaker working on culture, leadership, climate change and environment with progressive leaders, teams and coaches, supporting them in facing the challenges that a changing world brings. She helps people to generate new thinking and insight, build stronger relationships, and grow in courage to take action, in highly collaborative ways. An alumna of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Linda is also a trained facilitator in "The Work that Reconnects" (aka "Active Hope") and delivers workshops and keynotes on understanding our responses to climate change, climate coaching & change leadership. Her systemic framework, “With the Earth in Mind” - for facilitating conversations about our relationship with the wider world - is now being used in several countries around the world. www.aspey.com
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Gwyneth Jones
Email - connect@gwynethjones.coach
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Spare Field - Not in use - Gwyneth Jones (www.gwynethjones.coach) works to heal the multiple disconnects that have been normalised as part of our world - within ourselves, between humans, and between humans and nature. Coming from a Psychology background, Gwyneth worked for a while in the Happiness at Work space before realising that something drastic needs to change if humanity is to survive the coming decades. Alongside her training with Six Seconds (the Emotional Intelligence Network), Gwyneth became a facilitator of Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects, a powerful tool for resourcing and refuelling our sense of purpose, connection and soul for the times that we live in. Gwyneth offers emotional support and space-holding for those who want to express and process their fear, despair, guilt, and anger around the climate crisis, and helps people tap into their inner wisdom so that they can take on their role in the Great Turning - helping you to answer that tired old question "what's mine to do?"
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