Eco-consciousness: decoloniality as narrative resistance to coloniality

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Eco-consciousness: decoloniality as narrative resistance to coloniality

Eco-consciousness: decoloniality as narrative resistance to coloniality

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This workshop, using personal narrative, explores our loss of Indigeneity, uncovering what we need to unlearn, learn, or re-learn, when choosing how to be in our relationship with the climate crisis. Participants will share stories, journal, create wordscapes, imagery and poetry in this creative session. Bring paper, colored pens or pencils.

We are introducing the notion that the way we view the climate emergency is a ‘European’ or a Eurocentric perspective on our relationship with the natural world. It assumes that we have the power to stop or arrest the crisis with technology; yet, instead what has been disrupted is a deep relationship of dependence and interconnection with ‘nature’. We explore, through narrative, other ways of looking at what we need to unlearn, learn or relearn when choosing how to be in our relation to this phenomenon.

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Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom

Presenter(s) Bio

Charmaine Roche: Compassionate Disruptor | Systemic Decoloniality Lens | Social Justice Change Agent | Equity & Belonging Consultant

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Fenella Trevillion

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Spare Field - Not in use - Fenella Trevillion: Coach Supervisor with a Social, Racial, and Climate Justice lens.

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Date And Time

Mar 8, 2022 @ 06:00 PM (BST) to
Mar 8, 2022 @ 07:00 PM (BST)


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