Deep Adaptation (For Me and From Me)
The Five Elements is a useful metaphor for distinct aspects of being human. Each element has processes and practices which can help build capacity and overall resilience. During this experiential workshop, as we travel together through the bright and shadow sides of each element, you’ll identify particular areas in which you are strong, vulnerable and/or avoidant.
As we transition from the internal work to the practical application in the outside world, you’ll notice overwhelm reducing as you discover what you can do to bring your unique contribution to making the world a better place.
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Event Timezone Reference - UK and South Africa
Presenter(s) Bio
Matthew Painton In 2017 I had a period of overwhelming, debilitating anxiety and grief for the world, the death of hope. Since then I have been deepening my own adaptation and collaborating with other collapse aware professionals to develop a coaching practise that meets the needs of the times. I still grieve and am triggered most days, but I now experience a depth of connection, love, mission and purpose which I never found in my business as usual life. Founder at www.deepadaptation.info Practising and teaching meditation and nature connection for 20 years Certified Professional Co-Active life coach since 2014 B.A. Hons Philosophy and Religion M.Sc Agroforestry Barbara Walsh Teams are my big thing – I believe the capacity for creating extraordinary value through aligned collective power is truly limitless. If we are not learning faster together than the environment out there is changing, we will soon become irrelevant. Not only is it important to keep updated as new information becomes available, equally important is to be a part of co-creating the emergent new learning needed for tomorrow’s world in the midst of the turbulence of today. As no one person has all the answers, this requires collaborative inquiry and generative thinking. Taking a future-back approach, we create space for thinking that opens up opportunities and pursue change that enables transformative systemic, ecological growth, and a sustainable future. Managing Director of Metaco and Co-Founder of Teams & Beyond Master Practitioner Diploma in Systemic Team Coaching EMCC Global Senior Team Coaching Practitioner MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change Systemic Team Coaching Lead Faculty, Mentor and Supervisor
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Email - barbara@metaco.co.za
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