Queering the Climate Conversation

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Queering the Climate Conversation

Queering the Climate Conversation

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This session is about how we can reimagine ecology and the LGBTQ+ community, through coaching and connecting. The session will build upon queer ecological movements and show how nature, biology and sexuality can be reimagined using queer theory and rejection of the binary.

The aim of the session is two-fold: present queer interpretations of the relationship with nature and work out how queer theory and practice can help inspire a different take on our relationship with nature.

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Event Timezone Reference - Germany

Presenter(s) Bio

Stephan Dahl is an academic and founder of The Quinta Project, a queer* changemaker project. Stephan serves on the board of ICF Germany where he is responsible for diversity and sustainability. As an academic, he specialises in marketing ethics, social marketing and specifically how commercial marketing tools can be used to influence pro-social behaviour. His research focuses largely on queer communities and alternative economy and living forms. He has written 10 books on different aspects of his research, amongst them Marketing Ethics & Society and Social Media Marketing (both Sage) and Social Marketing (Pearson).

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Posted By - Stephan Dahl

Email - sdahl@mac.com

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Date And Time

Mar 4, 2021 @ 04:00 PM (CET) to
Mar 4, 2021 @ 05:00 PM (CET)


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