4 Ways to Niche Your Coaching Around The Planet
This #ClimateCoachingActionDay join four of the Climate Change Coaches team to hear how they have niched their coaching practices in service of our environment.
The Climate Change Coaches team will share insights and ideas about the distinct coaching areas that they occupy, including: green career transition, connecting to nature, eating for the planet, climate entrepreneurship and developing leaders in sustainability.
As coaches, we know there are a myriad of different ways that we can support passionate people who want to do something for the environment, and the team hope to spark some ideas in you with this FREE, conversational hour together. Hamish, Megan, Emily and Charly will each explain their niches and then throw the session open for an in-depth Q&A. Come with questions and leave with purpose!
This session is aimed at coaches, but all are welcome to come along.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Laura Elliot
Email - support@climatechangecoaches.com
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