USA-based CCA members initial gathering to discuss Regional Group convenings for the future.
Tuesday November 24, 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern, for 1.5 hours, ZOOM info below
Agenda: Discuss potential formation of one or more USA-based CCA member call tracks
Define purposes and objectives of such, and who might initially lead each (if more than one topic/work-stream is needed)
Initial ideas to kick us off: what a few of my fellow climate coaches and I have found useful in some recent group calls include:
1. Comparing notes on Climate Coaching sub-niche (some work with teachers, young people, climate activists, parents seeking fertility counselling, etc.)
2. Sharing and providing feedback on each others nascent coaching offers, curricula, workshops, presentations
3. Providing mutual support (Climate Coaches have our own stressors and we benefit from community of our peers)
4. Sharing resources and trainings we have found useful
Peter Tavernise is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Peter Tavernise’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Nov 24, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Event Timezone Reference - US
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Peter Tavernise
Email - peter@infinitegamecoach.com
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