Understanding different concepts of time and how these can support powerful climate coaching
For our July monthly member meeting, we will be discussing concepts of time – human, geologic, long time, long-termism, cathedral thinking, seven generations and others. Breakouts will focus on sharing personal perspectives and discussing practical applications of longer term time concepts to shift perspectives and change behavior.
Before our meeting, please access the this Pre-Meeting Resources for Review google document to prepare for the meeting by watching a 5 minute video and reviewing a practical toolkit with exercises designed to stimulate long time thinking. (Time commitment: approx. 15 minutes.) We encourage you to also access the additional resource links to in-depth interviews, articles, etc., that are included in this document for those wishing to go deeper before our meeting.
We hope to engage your curiosity, expand your learning, and equip you with more of what you want so you can go forth and make a difference on your climate coaching path!
This quote from Carl Sagan provides a common context for inquiry:
“Many of the dangers we face indeed arise from science and technology – but, more fundamentally, because we have become powerful without becoming commensurately wise. The world-altering powers that technology has delivered into our hands now require a degree of consideration and foresight that has never before been asked of us.”
Coaches help clients tap into their innate abilities to understand, consider and see things from different perspectives so that they can more fully step into and expand their own wisdom. When climate change is included in the coaching space, we believe developing this wisdom in ourselves and our clients is critical as we navigate challenges that require us to be and do things differently. Understanding time more broadly is one powerful way to change perspective and then behavior.
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Event Timezone Reference - California, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Elisabeth von Halem
Email - elisabeth@peopleplanetprinciples.com
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