The Role of Coaching in Shifting Mindsets for Economic Change.

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The Role of Coaching in Shifting Mindsets for Economic Change.

The Role of Coaching in Shifting Mindsets for Economic Change.

609 609 people viewed this event.

Facilitated by Jackie Arnold and Diana Collett

In every country money and power are central ingredients in politics. Those with power shape how and where the money flows. When it comes to reshaping the economy for the good of the community the crucial question we can ask ourselves is:

How can coaches have some influence in shifting the mindset and narratives of their powerful clients toward the principles of wellbeing?

This workshop will provide opportunities to discuss how we can use the Wellbeing Economy Policy Design Guide in our work.  The guide was compiled by Amanda Janoo, policy lead for the Wellbeing Alliance WeAll, and presented to CCA in her March 8th session for the Global Festival.

To prepare for the session please read the guide and be ready to share your thoughts, practices, and any other relevant information. If you have not already received a copy of the guide, please email Diana Collett:

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Presenter(s) Bio

<strong>Jackie Arnold</strong> is an international ICF Certified Executive Coach, Climate & Biodiversity Trainer and CSA Dip Coach Supervisor who is a former member of the UK ICF Board of Directors. Jackie’s ability to support leaders at senior level across a variety of industries stems from her considerable international career path. She began her career in the media and after gaining her degree at Guildhall University London she joined the BBC as a presenter and broadcaster. Later travelling extensively in Europe and the Far East as a Business Lecturer for the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry. As a specialist in advanced cross-cultural communication and coaching for climate and biodiversity awareness, Jackie has since been involved in innovative programmes for Leaders in a variety of Organisations including Advance HE (several UK Universities) Coop, Sainsbury’s, Aviva, Oracle, (to mention a few) as well as training and supervising internal master coaches globally. She currently supports global leaders to motivate and empower cross-cultural teams, improve communication strategies, and manage difficult conversations around climate change, biodiversity loss and the global uncertainty.  

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Posted By - Diana Collett

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Spare Field - Not in use - Diana Collett is an experienced coach/consultant who focuses on the defining shifts of our time. Her specialty areas are team-building for a better future, using power inclusively, and screen mastery. She helps organisations and individuals develop their potential by using their time and resources to meet these challenges and create the best possible futures. She has a doctorate in Cultural Research focusing on the use of power in inclusive intercultural communication, a master’s in counselling, and three decades of training and experience using Process Oriented Psychology to shape personal, systemic, and social change. She co-facilitates the CCA Political Pod, sharing space with coaches who are concerned about public discourse and promoting innovative practices to shape a regenerative discourse. Diana is an ICF Certified Professional Coach and Coach Mentor, Inclusive Leadership Trainer, and Principle of Heads Up Thinking, which offers global training programs for coaches, counsellors, and mental health practitioners addressing the full impact of digital dependence.

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Date And Time

Apr 7, 2022 @ 09:00 AM (GMT) to
Apr 7, 2022 @ 10:30 AM (GMT)



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