RESCHEDULED EVENT Political Pod Meeting: Embracing Indigenous Wisdom in our Local Communities
The June workshop of the Political Pod focuses on finding practical ways to heed the advice given by Rituraj Phukan in his inspiring presentation on May 12th, entitled Connecting Indigenous Wisdom with Sustainability Practices in the Global North. We will explore ways in which coaches can embrace the indigenous wisdom in their local areas and integrate it into their work.
This broad area of inquiry could include things like researching local knowledge, connecting with indigenous community members to learn their current views on regenerative practices, developing integrated and collaborative coach/consulting packages and promoting this knowledge and indigenous connections through our networks.
Our gathering will give us all an opportunity to learn from and inspire one another around embedding these grassroots elements into our thinking and approach.
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Event Timezone Reference - Australia
Presenter(s) Bio
Lydia Stevens is an executive coach with a background in leadership, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. She has been a member of the CCA since its inception. She brings her love of nature into her coaching practice. Lydia’s Masters in Rural Development from Mexico brought her an understanding of Indigenous cultures and how seamlessly integrated they are to nature. Social issues, gender and equity are integral to Lydia's values formed a main part of her focus as a consultant and now as a coach. She is multi-lingual and has worked in many countries with a variety of private, governmental and voluntary organisations. She is a mother, wife, step-grandmother, and businesswoman. Lydia Stevens and Jackie Arnold are working together as coaches and trainers see https://www.climatebiodiversitycoaching.com/ Her coaching includes climate and biodiversity work, systemic thinking, and bringing what lies beneath the surface into focus.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Diana Collett
Email - diana@dianacollett.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Diana Collett is an experienced coach/consultant who focuses on the defining shifts of our time. Her specialty areas are team- building for a better future, using power inclusively, and screen mastery. She helps organisations and individuals develop their potential by using their time and resources to meet these challenges and create best possible futures. She has a doctorate in Cultural Research focusing on the use of power in inclusive intercultural communication, a master’s in counselling and three decades of training and experience using Process Oriented Psychology to shape personal, systemic, and social change. She co-facilitates the CCA Political Pod, sharing space with coaches who are concerned about public discourse and promoting innovative practices to shape a regenerative discourse. Diana is an ICF Certified Professional Coach and Coach Mentor, Inclusive Leadership Trainer, and Principle of Heads Up Thinking, which offers global training programs for coaches, counsellors, and mental health practitioners addressing the full impact of digital dependence
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