Political Pod – PEER COACHING 2 – Re-visioning to Change the Rules of the Game

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Political Pod – PEER COACHING 2 – Re-visioning to Change the Rules of the Game

Political Pod – PEER COACHING 2 – Re-visioning to Change the Rules of the Game

373 373 people viewed this event.

 Where coaching shifts mindsets to generate better futures.

Re-visioning the future is a vitally important part of changing the rules of the game. In 2022 we, the human race, tipped the balance so that the combined weight of all human-made structures became greater than the combined weight of all the biomass on planet Earth.  

This fact alone deserves pause for thought. Where are we heading?  … and why?

Thankfully a tangible chunk of humanity is concerned about where we are heading, with growing public concern about business-as-usual approaches to the future and increasing support for more sustainable and balanced alternatives.

The shift has started with corporations and community groups showing the way. Now it is time for politicians and policymakers to do their part. The role of leaders and politicians is to create and promote messages and models for a better future that will engage with the voters’ dreams.  

As climate-aware coaches, we can support politicians to engage with concerned voters, and policymakers to engage with their departments. Through coaching we support shifting mindsets, re-visioning preferred futures, and shaping messages.

This month the Political Pod invites YOU to bring along your client’s issues about re-visioning and shaping messages that change the rules of the game. We will again provide peer coaching opportunities to help you stretch beyond your current thinking with these real issues.

Whether or not you have a current issue, come along and be part of these dynamic coaching opportunities to stay one step ahead.


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Event Timezone Reference - BST ( UTC+1)

Presenter(s) Bio

<p><strong>LYDIA STEVENS</strong></p> <p>Lydia Stevens is an executive coach with a background in leadership, entrepreneurship and sustainability. She has been a member of the CCA since its inception. She brings her love of nature into her coaching practice. Lydia’s Masters in Rural Development from Mexico brought her an understanding of Indigenous cultures and how seamlessly integrated they are to nature. Social issues, gender and equity are integral to Lydia's values formed a main part of her focus as a <strong>consultant</strong> and now as a coach. She is multi-lingual and has worked in many countries with a variety of private, governmental and voluntary organisations. She is a mother, wife, step-grandmother and businesswoman. Lydia Stevens and Jackie Arnold are working together as coaches and trainers see https://www.climatebiodiversitycoaching.com/</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Diana Collett

Email - diana@dianacollett.com

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Spare Field - Not in use - FIONA ANDERSON Fiona is a climate change coach and human rights advocate. She believes any discussion about and action on the climate crisis must include the people and nations already suffering from the effects of climate change. Through her work with Amnesty International, she is painfully aware just how fragile the very existence of whole communities has become due to rising temperatures, rising sea levels and increasingly intemperate weather events. Climate justice for all is essential if the world is to emerge from this crisis as one we actually want to live in.

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Date And Time

May 11, 2023 @ 08:30 AM (GMT) to
May 11, 2023 @ 10:00 AM (GMT)


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