Permaculture for Coaches & Coaching
What it is, how it relates to coaches and coaching, and a chance to discuss it with colleagues: A taster to whet your appetite for a deeper dive into Permaculture knowledge and practice areas provided by the EU Permaculture Convergence…
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Presenter(s) Bio
Steve Charter is actively engaging with CCA South England as he is co-lead on European partnership projects focused on establishing a new vocation of Community Climate Coaches, which aims to utilise coaching skills and insights to help facilitate community-led responses to climate change, that build personal, collective and local resilience (supported by a toolkit, community climate action good practice, and learning pathway for Community Climate Coaches) Steve is an experienced permaculture tutor and actively involved in the development of permaculture education in Britain and Europe. He has worked in the sustainability field since 1993 on numerous innovative and pioneering sustainability projects, particularly in the fields of sustainable construction and sustainability education. A decade ago his consultancy work led to the UK’s first dedicated sustainable construction training centre, the first sustainable construction qualification and the first eco-housing development company run as a social enterprise in the UK. He’s also co-founder of two pioneering eco-enterprises in the music and renewable energy sectors. Steve has been following an all or mainly raw-food lifestyle since 1994, and is author of Eat More Raw (2005, Permanent Publications), which combines natural health with an ecological design and permaculture perspective. He’s taught in universities and at off-grid eco-projects, and led around 20 two week permaculture courses in England and Spain since 2001. Steve holds an MA in Environmental Planning and a Diploma in Permaculture Design. He also lived off-grid from 2000-2005 in Southern Spain, co-hosted a weekly online radio show from 2013 to 2018, and is chair of his village cricket club.
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Posted By - Kim Sargeant
Email - kim@coachange.org
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