with Dr Diana Collett
Another central aspect of acting now to benefit future generations is promoting the use of inclusive leadership. Inclusive leadership endeavours to honour and embrace the diversity of environment/climate/ culture and lived experiences that abound on our planet. It is the ability to respect and incorporate everyone’s skills, talents, opinions and agency.
What will it take to achieve this inclusivity?
Inclusive leadership requires a pivotal shift in outlook. Living in a diverse world means that people in the same situation experience that situation differently. To understand these differing experiences it is helpful to understand how authority and influence affect our interactions; how we use and experience various forms of power.
This session answers the questions:
How are authority and influence different?
How can we know when we have more or less power in any given situation?
Why do some people act powerless when their power is obvious to others?
For over twenty years Diana has taught widely the concepts about power outlined in Process Oriented Psychology. Her doctorate entitled “Everyone at every rank matters” explores power, rank and intercultural communication. She has found that people are willing and able to be more inclusive when they are able to analyse the way power is being communicated.
Whether you are an internal coach, a leader using a coaching approach or a coach looking to expand your own understanding about inclusivity, this session brings pivotal insights about personal and team dynamics.
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Event Timezone Reference - UTC-1
Presenter(s) Bio
Diana Collett is an experienced coach/consultant who focuses on the defining shifts of our time. Her specialty areas are team-building for a better future, using power inclusively, and screen mastery. A long-term student of Process Oriented Psychology, Diana has introduced these concepts about power and rank into teambuilding in many settings including community development initiatives for women’s health and refugee resettlement, the Counselling Association of South Australia, and a master’s in counselling program. She has over ten years’ experience embedding a systematic approach to inclusive teambuilding into engineering programs at the University of South Australia for which she received a national citation for teaching excellence in 2014. She co-facilitates the CCA Political Pod, sharing space with coaches who are concerned about public discourse and promoting innovative practices to shape a regenerative discourse. Diana is an ICF Certified Professional Coach and Coach Mentor, Inclusive Leadership Trainer and Principle of Heads Up Thinking, which offers global training programs for coaches, counsellors and mental health practitioners addressing the full impact of digital dependence
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Posted By - Diana Collett
Email - diana@dianacollett.com
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