Enjoy Being Climate Solvers with Your Coaching Clients
Don’t despair about climate change and wait for someone else to act. We can solve climate change, and there are opportunities for each of us in our daily activities. Most importantly, you can connect what you love to do with climate needs and find fulfilling ways to make a difference. The key is a proven attraction model for engaging yourself and others. Join for an interactive discussion about what we can do and have fun doing it. We’ll be exploring effective ways to engage your clients on climate action. You’ll learn how you can conduct in-person and online sessions with your clients and their team members that result in tangible climate actions. Discover how climate action efforts with your clients can not only be of service for a healthier planet but also expand and deepen your client relationships.
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Event Timezone Reference - United States
Presenter(s) Bio
Don Maruska, MBA, JD, Master Certified Coach, author "Solve Climate Change Now"
Don Maruska was founder and CEO of three Silicon Valley companies. Since becoming a Master Certified Coach, he has focused on helping others succeed in their careers and organizations. Don is the author of the new book "Solve Climate Change Now: Do What You Love for a Healthy Planet" See www.SolveClimateChangeNow.com He's also written "How Great Decisions Get Made" and "Take Charge of Your Talent." Don's passion is bringing forth the best in people to turn challenging problems into successful results.
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Posted By - Phil Metzler
Email - climatecoachingalliance.usa@gmail.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Tamara Staton, Coordinator and Education leader, Citizens' Climate Lobby Tamara Staton has a special gift for creating playful opportunities for people to tap their best thinking and positive energy for learning and change. She has over 25 years of experience as a consultant, facilitator, coach, and educator. She's passionate about integrating more joy into the climate movement and supporting leaders and climate advocates in building resilience and effective pathways to positive global change.
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