Deep Time Walk – Earth Day 2022
Deep Time Walk – Earth Day 2022
‘Changing hearts and minds through our feet.’
A Deep Time Walk is a transformative journey through 4.6bn years of Earth history via a 4.6km walk, where each metre you walk equates to 1 million years. It provides a deep experience that invites participants to view the world differently, encouraging positive action and collective advocacy for a regenerative Earth.
As you walk, your facilitators Emily Buchanan and Hellen Hettinga will guide you through some of the most significant events and key revolutions in Earth’s deep history from the formation of the solar system, to our own species and our impact on the earth.
This English-language Deep Time Walk will be hosted in Paris Ouest, in the Saint-Germain-en-Laye forest.
As facilitators our intention is to co-create a deep experience by walking together in the steps of the history of our planet. We are trained facilitators and coaches, not experts in ecological science. Our wish is to invite you to be part of a collective journey, combining head, heart and feet – an opportunity to question our place in the living world, and reflect on our individual and collective commitment for change.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - Frankrijk
Presenter(s) Bio
Emily Buchanan is a health and climate change coach. She is a founding member of the Climate Change Coaches and in her private practice supports mothers to make healthier choices for themselves, their families, and the planet. Hellen Hettinga is a certified coach, supervisor, facilitator and mother of three sons. Her intention in life is enabling conversations that matter, learning collectively and inclusively for people and planet to thrive.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Hellen Hettinga
Email - hellen.hettinga@gmail.com
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