In our September meeting, Julia Middleton shared many eye-opening comments about Cultural Intelligence. When tackling the Climate Emergency Julia believes “If you can’t connect with someone a third of your age, you do not have the Cultural Intelligence to make a difference.”
Tackling humanity’s biggest challenges requires the cultural intelligence to communicate well with people from all age groups, physical and mental capacities, and social, cultural, and racial backgrounds.
In this session, we will explore the intent, skill set, and open mindset needed to bridge fundamental differences; the cultural assumptions that often prevent us from creating shared understanding.
Based on Julia Middleton’s concepts of Core and Flex, participants will share experiences and their understanding of how to experiment in the Cultural Intelligence space.
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Event Timezone Reference - BST ( UTC+1)
Presenter(s) Bio
<p><strong>Fiona Anderson</strong></p> <p>Fiona is a climate change coach and human rights advocate. She believes any discussion about and action on the climate crisis must include the people and nations already suffering from the effects of climate change. Through her work with Amnesty International, she is painfully aware of just how fragile the very existence of whole communities has become due to rising</p>
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Diana Collett
Email - diana@dianacollett.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Diana Collett Diana is an experienced coach/consultant who focuses on the defining shifts of our time. Her specialty areas are team-building for a better future, using power inclusively, and screen mastery. She helps organisations and individuals develop their potential by using their time and resources to meet these challenges and create best possible futures. She has a doctorate in Cultural Research focusing on the use of power in inclusive intercultural communication, a master’s in counselling and three decades of training and experience using Process Oriented Psychology to shape personal, systemic, and social change. She co-facilitates the CCA Political Pod, sharing space with coaches who are concerned about public discourse and promoting innovative practices to shape a regenerative discourse.
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