COP26 Moving to Action

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COP26 Moving to Action

COP26 Moving to Action

601 601 people viewed this event.

Through the COP26 Sprint we learned there are many acupuncture points around and beyond COP where we might intervene. So, the agenda of work we have already created is both relevant to COP and beyond the confines of COP. There’s lots to do and we want to invite all CCA coaches to help with this work.

In this meeting, we will create a clearer picture – shaping our current thoughts and plans into a clear and simple format.

If you have been part of the Sprint or have followed it with interest, PLEASE join us to shape and birth the Action Phase.

Before the meeting consider the following questions, either on your own or have a chat with others:

What is our purpose?

Who is this work for?

What are our methods?

How do we do this work?

Where do we do this work?

If more of us contribute now, we will create a more coherent Call to Action. Bring your best and help us birth these messages.

Additional Details

Event Timezone Reference - Australia

Presenter(s) Bio

Karen Finn

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Diana Collett

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Spare Field - Not in use - Paula Downey

Spare Field - Not in use - Diana Collett


Date And Time

Aug 4, 2021 @ 08:30 AM (GMT) to
Aug 4, 2021 @ 10:00 AM (GMT)


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