Coaching: With the Earth in Mind – an experimental tool
With the Earth in Mind is a systemic framework to help people to increase their awareness of their relationship with and responses to climate change and ecological decline so they can become more intentional, purposeful and proactive. It can be used by and with individuals for personal exploration, with coaches and coaching supervisors for professional supervision, and with coachees, teams, groups and leaders of communities and organisations. It can be freely used (with attribution) for personal or professional use, including commercial use.
Participants will have the chance to explore the model, experiment together and take it away to test it out, if desired, with their peers, supervisees or clients, and to join our User community on Linked In to help in testing it out and developing it further.
20 places max – register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/coaching-with-the-earth-in-mind-an-experimental-session-july-2021-tickets-158620617537
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Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom
Presenter(s) Bio
Linda Aspey
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Posted By - Linda Aspey
Email - linda@aspey.com
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