Climate Coaching Q&A (Lunch and Learn)

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Climate Coaching Q&A (Lunch and Learn)

Climate Coaching Q&A (Lunch and Learn)

761 761 people viewed this event.

Everyone working in a space where climate coaching can be applied in one form or another is likely to experience challenges, setbacks and wins. This session is for us to explore challenges, opportunities and conundrums together.

Who is this session for? The session is for anyone facilitating, leading or coaching in a space where climate and sustainability is (or could) be factored into the decisions and ways of working. This could be in pretty much any domain, from the obvious (e.g. example forestry) to the far less obvious (e.g. office management).

We are aware that many people are time poor, so we are experimenting with days and times to meet. Consequently, this is over most people’s lunch time (a ‘lunch and learn’),  so please bring along a bite to eat and we can nibble as we all raise questions and collectively grow with wisdom of the crowd.

Please register via the link below for connection details :

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Event Timezone Reference - Australia

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Posted By - Alan Taylor

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Date And Time

May 27, 2022 @ 12:00 PM (AEDT) to
May 27, 2022 @ 01:00 PM (AEDT)


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