Climate Cafe (UK evening)
You are invited to a Climate Cafe, a confidential, respectful, thinking and feeling space where you can meet with others and express your feelings about climate and ecological breakdown. Where you can talk safely and informally about what it means for you, perhaps find common ground, and listen to others’ diverse experiences and feelings. You bring what you wish to bring, and no more.
Because the focus is on each of you, your thoughts and feelings, there are no guest speakers, no lectures, no advice and no expectations that you will join any cause or take any action, although of course if you want to, that’s up to you. It’s not a therapy group although naturally talking about and sharing feelings can be very therapeutic.
This event will be useful for whatever phase of the Eco-Cycle you currently most resonate with.
Places are capped at 8 – so book soon!
This event is also being run in the morning at 10.30am to 12.00pm GMT for those who prefer this time.
There are Climate Cafes springing up all over the world. You can find out more about them here. https://climatecafes.org/ and if having experienced this, you are interested in running them for your groups and communities, training is available at https://climatepsychologyalliance.org/events
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom
Presenter(s) Bio
Linda Aspey is an executive coach, facilitator, psychotherapist/counsellor, trainer, writer, speaker, and Time to Think Global Faculty. A Fellow of BACP, Linda was founding chair of BACP Coaching Division, where coaching and therapy meet. Linda's focus in recent years has been on facilitating supportive conversations and engaging people with their heads, hearts and hands on climate change and ecological breakdown. Linda facilitates Climate Cafes and similar climate related events for communities and corporates of all kinds. www.lindaaspey.com
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Linda Aspey
Email - linda@aspey.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Rebecca Nestor is a member of the board of the Climate Psychology Alliance, and leads on offering and developing climate cafes for the Alliance. She is a facilitator, coach and leadership developer whose focus is supporting those who are facing the climate crisis. She graduated in 2016 from the Tavistock Centre masters in consultation and the organisation, and is currently a doctoral researcher at the Tavistock on leadership in organisations that engage the public on climate change. Rebecca has facilitated regular Climate Cafes in Oxford and for the Climate Psychology Alliance since 2018. https://rebeccanestor.co.uk
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