Climate Cafe – online on the last Thursday of each month, 6pm UK time.
The Cotswolds Climate Café meets online on the last Thursday of each month, at 6.30pm until 8.00pm UK time. You do not need to live in the Cotswolds to participate – people from all over the world regularly join us.
Every day we hear or see more news about how climate and ecological change is impacting our world and will continue to impact our future. It affects us all. However some people find it overwhelming and hard to talk, about whilst others or want to talk about it but feel silenced by others.
So a Climate Café offers a place where fears, uncertainties and hopes about our climate crisis can be safely expressed. It’s a confidential, respectful, thinking and feeling space where you can meet with others and talk informally about what climate change and ecological breakdown means for you, perhaps find common ground, and listen to others’ diverse experiences and feelings.
There are no guest speakers, no lectures, no advice and no expectations that you will join any cause or take any action, although if you want to, that’s up to you. It’s not a therapy group although naturally talking about and sharing feelings can be very therapeutic.
The Cafe is run by trained facilitators who also participate in the sharing and listening.
You can come once, occasionally or regularly. However we ask that you stay for the whole meeting. You will need access to Zoom and a quiet private space, and willingness to be on camera for the meeting where possible, to facilitate psychological safety for the group.
There is no charge. You can register for a place here and then a Zoom link will be sent to you. Places are limited to 10 – so if you are interested do book soon.
You need to be 18 years or over to participate. And you can be at any phase of the Eco-Phase cycle – it is OPEN TO ALL!
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom
Presenter(s) Bio
Linda Aspey, founding member of CCA
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Posted By - Linda Aspey
Email - linda@aspey.com
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