CCA-USA October Member Meeting
Topic: A conversation with Seth Bush
This month, Peter Tavernise will facilitate a conversation with Seth Bush, co-founder of the Radical Support Collective (RSC). Seth is a Professional Certified Coach and community organizer who supports social change leaders working for a just, life-sustaining society to do bold, visionary work with integrity, ease, and joy.
Seth and Peter intend to explore some if not all of these topics:
- What called Seth to coaching and founding the Radical Support Collective in 2017 with two other climate activists & coaches.
- The joys, challenges, and opportunities of working with a collective of coaches.
- What RSC is learning about honoring our pain for the world as a way to access and act on our wildest dreams for what is possible.
- What RSC is learning about making “high-quality mistakes” as we practice centering racial justice in our work for climate action.
- What Seth is learning about applying coaching skills to organizing for community resilience to the looming threat of climate collapse.
Seth may also be joined by one or both of his RSC teammates Jess Serrante and Anastasia Schemkes to add a further dimension to the conversation.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtf–trzwpHtVOJnrBWjYqirnsVWAQw31-
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Event Timezone Reference - United States
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Posted By - Phil Metzler
Email - climatecoachingalliance.usa@gmail.com
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