CCA-USA February Monthly Member Meeting
The purpose of our next meeting will be to learn from each other about ways to support our clients to stay focused on the contribution they have to make when it feels like SO much is going wrong in the world around us (climate crisis, Covid, ecosystem collapse, erosion of democracy, racial injustice…).
We want to hear what has worked for you! Resources, coaching approaches & methodologies, especially powerful questions or lines of inquiry, books, videos, websites — you name it.
We hope to create a shareable resource out of what everyone brings to the group, and we’ll invite 4-5 people to do a “show and tell” of what they contributed.
The meeting will be on February 15th at 12pm PST.
Please use this form to add resources and let us know if you’re willing to talk about it with the group.
So, how do YOU support your clients and yourself to stay present when it feels like everything is falling apart in the world?
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqdOCsqTIjHtFzzTKltF6h0rMS2rudZnAE
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Event Timezone Reference - ET
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Posted By - Phil Metzler
Email - climatecoachingalliance.usa@gmail.com
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