CCA-US April 20 Member Meeting
The April CCA-USA member meeting will be Tuesday, 4/20 at 3pm EDT. We’ll be discussing some of the ideas that have come forth from the recent survey and steering committee and how best to meet the groups’ needs. There will also be an optional post 30 min session for socializing with a focus on future intentions for those who want to share. (i.e. given this period of transition…Spring, upcoming 51st Earth Day What will be your intention(s) for the remainder of the year? What will you (re)commit to? What inspires you now?)
Please click here to register for the meeting.
If you haven’t yet joined CCA-USA, please first sign up to join CCA through the form toward the bottom of this page: https://www.climatecoachingalliance.org/
Chris Eng and Marcus Griswold will co-facilitate. We look forward to seeing you then!
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - United States
Presenter(s) Bio
Chris Eng is a certified coach (CPCC, ACC) who works with individuals and teams that are driven by the urgency of combining mission driven business and environmentally sustainable practices. He is also a Climate Reality Leader and is focused on mentoring and empowering future leaders and activists taking on the climate crisis head on. https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-eng/
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Posted By - Phil Metzler
Email - phil@resilienceguild.org
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Spare Field - Not in use - Marcus Griswold is based in the San Francisco` Bay area and focuses on empowering environmental justice organizations to develop, share, and stand strong in their experiences. He is focused on climate justice through nature and social equity. https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcusgriswold
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