CCA Polish-Speaking Community Meeting: How to Talk about Climate Using Coaching Tools?

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CCA Polish-Speaking Community Meeting: How to Talk about Climate Using Coaching Tools?

CCA Polish-Speaking Community Meeting: How to Talk about Climate Using Coaching Tools?

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Zapraszamy na spotkanie polsko-j?zycznej spo?eczno?ci CCA: Jak rozmawia? o klimacie przy u?yciu narz?dzi coachingowych?

B?dziemy porusza? si? w obszarze komunikacji na tematy zwi?zane ze zmianami klimatycznymi i degradacj? ?rodowiska naturalnego, wynikaj?cymi z nich wyzwaniami bli?szej i dalszej przysz?o?ci, oraz ró?nicami w opiniach i emocjach je otaczaj?cych. Zmiany klimatyczne sensu largo znajduj? odd?wi?k w wielu wymiarach naszego ?ycia, równie? w procesach coachingowych i innych. Warto zatem zadba? o w?asny warsztat oraz adekwatn? ofert? dla klienta. Podczas spotkania b?dziemy pracowa? w strukturze “?rodowiska my?lenia” wed?ug Nancy Kline.

W razie pyta? prosimy o kontakt mailowy:

Do zobaczenia.
Dr. iur. Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka i Gosia Henderson


Fotografia Katarzyna Pe na Unsplash



Join us at the CCA Polish-Speaking Community meeting: How to talk about climate using coaching tools?

We will be navigating the space of communication related to climate change and biodiversity crisis, the resulting challenges of the near and more distant future, and the differences in opinions and emotions surrounding them. Climate changes in the broad sense are reflected in many dimensions of our lives, also in coaching and other processes. It is therefore worth taking care of our own workshop and an adequate offer to the clients. During the meeting we will work with the structure of the “Thinking Environment” by Nancy Kline.

In case of any questions please be in touch via email on:

See you there.
Dr. iur. Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka and Gosia Henderson

Photo by Katarzyna Pe on Unsplash

Additional Details

Event Timezone Reference - Poland

Presenter(s) Bio

Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka

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Posted By - Gosia Henderson

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Spare Field - Not in use - Gosia Henderson

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Date And Time

Feb 24, 2023 @ 06:00 PM (CET) to
Feb 24, 2023 @ 07:00 PM (CET)


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