CCA Czech & Slovak launch

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CCA Czech & Slovak launch

CCA Czech & Slovak launch

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Zahajujeme ?innost ?esky a slovensky mluvící skupiny kou?? pro klima.
registrujte se k online setkání 15.5. 18:00-19:30.
Seznámíme se s ?inností globálního hnutí Climate Coaching Alliance, jehož zástupci nám p?edstaví vizi
a aktivity CCA.
Ukážeme si, jakou podobu m?že „klimatické kou?ování“ mít.
Necháme se inspirovat tím, jak již spolupracují klimati?tí kou?ové v jiných zemích.
P?ipomeneme si, že i ICF a EMCC jsou si v?domy pot?ebnosti podílet se na ?ešení klimatické výzvy.
Hlavním bodem programu bude domluva o tom, jaká spolupráce by se nám líbila v ?R a SR, ?emu a
kdy se m?žeme spole?n? v?novat.

We are launching a Czech and Slovak speaking group of climate coaches.
Register for the online meeting on 15 May 18:00-19:30.
We will learn about the work of the global Climate Coaching Alliance movement, whose
representatives will present the vision and activities of CCA.
We will see what form "climate coaching" can take.
We will be inspired by how climate coaches in other countries are already working together.
We will remind ourselves that ICF and EMCC are also aware of the need to participate in the climate
The main point of the agenda will be to discuss what kind of cooperation we would like to see in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia, what we can work on together and when.

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Event Timezone Reference - CET

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Event Language - Czech & English

Posted By - Jan Fronek

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Date And Time

May 15, 2023 @ 06:00 PM (CET) to
May 15, 2023 @ 07:30 PM (CET)


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