CCA-Canada Members Monthly Meeting
CCA-Canada is into its 2nd year of formation and continues to grow its pathways of mycelium. We hold a series of monthly meetings, which are held the 2nd wednesday of every month 7 pm.
We are a community from West to East, and are calling professional coaches, coaching psychologists, and coaching supervisors, facilitators and other leadership professionals in order to co-create a space to share resources, explore practice, and hold dialogue.
Our November meeting will hold the space for COP-26 (31 oct to 12 nov), our reflections that we have, actions we can take and grow storytelling. We usually have a bit of somatic inquiry in this space
Holding spaces for collective story telling and a deep curious dive into our ways of thinking and sensing and practice in this time of climate emergency and the need for transformation is what the CCA-Canada community thrives on.
We will also pay attention to and honor emerging items that honour our Business Backbone intention for growing the CCA-Canada.
Join Global CCA and then contact us!
To know more, obtain the meeting agenda and/or zoom registration link, please contact Janet Mrenica at climatecoachingalliancecanada@gmail.com
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - EST
Presenter(s) Bio
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Janet Mrenica
Email - climatecoachingalliancecanada@gmail.com
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