CCA ANZ Learning Lab – Antidote to being an armchair despairer
Welcome to the monthly gathering of CCA Members within Australia & New Zealand.
This October’s conversation will be about expanding your circle of influence through involvement in your local climate community.
Judy McLennan will lead the session, commencing with her experience of how community involvement has been her antidote to being an armchair despairer and more importantly has been the enabler of her greater contribution to important transformational changes.
During the session:
· we’ll share about our involvement in local climate communities
· discuss the greater role of community groups in transformational change
· map climate community groups available
· consider our contribution to community groups as coaches
Finally, the dire warnings of the recent IPPC report mean urgent, rapid and large scale-reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are needed now.
Now is a great time to get involved in your local climate community and build and connect the momentum forward from local to global.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - Australia (AEDT)
Presenter(s) Bio
Judy, an executive and performance coach, has been coaching for 20 years. In the past 3 years, she’s been actively engaged and committed to community organising and climate advocacy on the Gold Coast - organising and collaborating on significant climate events and instigating the Gold Coast Climate Action Network.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Tim Collings
Email - timc@4ileadership.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Tim Collings & Heather-Jane Gray will hold the space for the session
Spare Field - Not in use - Josie McLean, CCA Co-Founder, will join us to contribute her perspective and broader knowledge from across the global CCA network.