CCA ANZ – June Learning Lab: IDGs – Exploring ‘Being’
In this session, we will follow on from the theme of our last event, continuing to delve into the Inner Development Goals, and how they can assist us as we face complexity. Rritu Rana will centre on Being, which is an essential core dimension.
After providing a brief recap the IDG and SDG relationship, Rritu will bring a level of tangibility to the framework, and we will discuss scenarios from our own lives and explore how IDGs could have been or can help.
Being : “Cultivating our inner life and developing and deepening our relationship to our thoughts, feelings and body help us be present, intentional and non-reactive when we face complexity.“
We also want to share an ongoing invitation to you/the community to contribute in the ‘learning labs‘ in your own unique way. It could be running a future session or a joint session, offering suggestions as to what we can offer etc.
If you are interested in contributing, please contact us, we would love to hear from you : ANZ@climatecoachingalliance.org
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Event Timezone Reference - AEST
Presenter(s) Bio
<p><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/rriturana/">Rritu Rana</a> is an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Trainer, Facilitator and Founder of ‘Shakhhsiyat, Beyond Identity’, a personal growth venture.</p> <p>She is a keen observer of life and is driven to help her clients discover and express their humanness. She is passionate about emotional health, and, partners with her clients in enabling shift of their inner thoughts and beliefs that block their success towards maximising potential, and, thriving purposefully in their personal and professional lives.</p> <p>She is an alumna of Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, and, holds an MBA from Bangalore University. She has worked and interacted with the people from rural sector in India through her work for NGOs & CSR initiatives, and, is inspired by their stories of minimalist and essentialist way of living and having fulfilled lives. She Co-Authored the Amazon best-selling book, ‘Make a Difference—Inspiring Stories of Triumph Over Trials’. The book is a celebration of the human spirit, of its zeal and grit. It is a collaboration of personal stories and life experiences of authors from diverse professions who wish to reawaken optimism, confidence, and inspiration in each of their readers.</p> <p>To know more about Rritu, you may contact her on coachrriturana@gmail.com</p>
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Posted By - Alan Taylor
Email - alan@3pimpact.com.au
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Spare Field - Not in use - Alan is an ICF ACC accredited leadership & team coach and founder of 3P Impact, where he enjoys supporting leaders and teams in programs and initiatives for sustainability, leadership growth, transformation and software development effectiveness. Alan is co-running a research program designed to enable action on climate, by focusing on a shift in mindset and culture. He is also a co-convener of the CCA ANZ pod and the Australia Inner Development Goals hub.
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