CCA ANZ – Actioning Climate Change in your Own Space
In the beautiful semi-rural landscape of Warrandyte (30km N/E of Melbourne), a Community Raingarden Project sought to introduce to the local community the importance and concept of water sensitive urban design and provide practical applications. This included community workshops on indigenous care of the land, the importance of clean water on our ecosystem and ways to make a personal difference. Science sessions were held with the local primary schools along with other activities to reinforce this theme. Celebration of the successful completion of the project included a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by Aunty Joy Murphy, a Wurundjeri Elder.
Many individuals and groups were involved in the project, with specialist expertise from Melbourne Water, Manningham Council Eco Team, Yarra Riverkeeper Association, Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation & Friends of Warrandyte State Park and Warrandyte Climate Action Now.
This project essentially covers 3 important aspects – Community, Indigenous and Climate.
An open and enormously valuable and engaging conversation around what is possible and what is ours to do here.
Some questions to consider:
Where is your voice in this?
How could we learn from this in what we are doing going forward?
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - AEST
Presenter(s) Bio
<p><strong>Sue Glendenning</strong> Member CCA. Certif. Master Results Coach, Master NLP Practitioner over 20 years, Corporate background - Senior Account Manager, and General Manager 2 business units of large IT company. Co-founder of Imaginal Communities with Jeanine Bailey and Tim Collings. Putting energy and commitment into climate action, sustainability, regeneration and social justice. Environmental science.</p>
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Posted By - Alan Taylor
Email - alan@3pimpact.com.au
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Spare Field - Not in use - Ken Keam has a B.Eng and M.Eng.Sci (Water resources). He worked for over 40 years in the areas of water resources infrastructure and integrated water management. His interest is in sustainable management of our resources. Ken provided technical advice on the design, water management and construction in order to create a fully functioning example of an urban rain garden, which effectively treats the water run-off from the property before it discharges to the Yarra River
Spare Field - Not in use - Leeanne Keam has a B.Ed and has worked as a teacher, in general management and as a consultant in the area of organisation change management. She is passionate about social justice, sustainability and educating the next generation through experience. Leeanne was the project manager for the Raingarden development and was the key liaison for the community involvement. <br><br>Liesl Keam is their daughter and currently living overseas, however she has offered to be part of a future discussion with CCA. Liesl has a B. Env/Arts and Master of Climate Change. She is a consulting climate resilience advisor working on studies and projects across Africa and the Asia Pacific region, and will hopefully be available for a future discussion.