Can coaches be climate activists? A conversation for the curious

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Can coaches be climate activists? A conversation for the curious

Can coaches be climate activists? A conversation for the curious

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As well as being coaches, many of us are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and more. And we are all citizens of this world. We all have a stake in the present and the future.  In October 2022 the United Nations declared that there is currently no credible pathway to staying below the 1.5 degree internationally agreed limit; we are already seeing unprecedented climate and ecological disasters, so to go above this would likely be catastrophic. 

It’s clear we are in a climate, ecological and social justice emergency; so what do you think and feel about engaging in ‘activism’? Are you curious, or eager to find new ways to “make a difference”, sceptical, wary, something else? Do you ever find yourself thinking “I’m grateful these activists are doing what they’re doing, but I couldn’t possibly do that”? Are you concerned about how activism could impact you personally or professionally?

Linda Aspey and Zoe Cohen invite you to join us to explore if there should be or can be a relationship between coaching and activism.  We’ll share briefly some of what activism means to us, and then you will have the opportunity to discuss in groups some key questions, and to reflect on your own experiences, assumptions and ideas.

We hope that you will come away with greater clarity about what activism means for you, what it might mean for coaches, and what forms of activism, if any, you would like to explore further.  

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<p>Linda Aspey and Zoe Cohen have been coaches for many years. In 2019 together with Alison Whybrow, who sadly passed away in February 2022, we issued a public call to the coaching profession to declare a climate emergency and to respond accordingly, which helped to spark the formation of the Climate Coaching Alliance; Linda and Zoe became founding members. Since (and before) then we have both engaged in activism in various ways. </p>

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Date And Time

Jan 23, 2023 @ 06:00 PM (GMT) to
Jan 23, 2023 @ 08:00 PM (GMT)


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