Briefing on COP26 & Discussions

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Briefing on COP26 & Discussions

Briefing on COP26 & Discussions

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When we gathered on 4 March for our CCA 24 global conversation, we all asked ourselves, ‘what’s mine to do?’ during this unique year of COPs.

Using Professor Peter Hawkin’s Eco-phase cycle headings, our follow-up surveys found very high levels of ‘curiosity, information, awareness & engagement’ though many of us were still exploring what ‘action’ we could take personally, professionally, or in our projects?

Recently CCA has a ‘COP Sprint’ group looking at what COP means for CCA coaches, professionally and personally.

On 14 December, after COP26, we would like to start to hold rich conversations exploring ‘what’s mine and ours to do now?’ in terms of climate, environment, and ourselves.
As part of the preparation for December, on 26 October, Michael Stock, one of our CCA members, will share some headlines about the COP26 Goals, the jigsaw of negotiations and unfinished business from earlier COPs, what we might look out for from Glasgow ?”

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Event Timezone Reference - BST

Presenter(s) Bio

Since attending a Be-the-change weekend and later the 2011 RGS London conference with the UK Chief Scientist warning on the ‘perfect storm’ by 2030s, I went back to University in 2015 because of Paris COP21, to better understand the science and policy options, becoming an environmentally literate business consultant, climate-coach and mentor. From 2012, coaching consultancy, start-ups, Institute for Corporal Responsibility and Sustainability, Centre for Alternative Technology, Schumacher College, London Mayoral Elections, Imperial College London, Centre for Environmental Science, NAO 'Homes 2050’, Climate-KIC ‘Urban-Transitions', 2020 Head of Coaching, Blockchain & Climate Institute (BCI), Mentor Imperial College, 2021 Deputy Director-General, BCI External Affairs Bureau, focussed on COPs, and council member A!4Good Foundation.

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Kim Sargeant

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Date And Time

Oct 26, 2021 @ 09:00 AM (GMT) to
Oct 26, 2021 @ 11:00 AM (GMT)


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