Biodiversity Habitat & Ecosystems – an avatar experience

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Biodiversity Habitat & Ecosystems – an avatar experience

Biodiversity Habitat & Ecosystems – an avatar experience

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How might advances in technology inform and support coaching and supervision conversations around climate and biodiversity coaching? What else is needed for working with climate change and biodiversity conversations?  This is a unique opportunity to consider your response to climate change through the world of avatars.

This is the 5th round table hosted by the JGSG – Joint Global Statement Group – of 11 professinal coacing, coahcing psychology and supervision bodies that have signed the statement on climate change:

The hosts today are AOCS, the Association of Coaching Supervisors, on behalf of the 11.  The special guest is David Tinker from Rethinkly (formerly ProReal). 

Additional Details

Event Timezone Reference - BST

Presenter(s) Bio

<p>Jackie Arnold is an ICF Executive & Health Coach and Member of AC who also holds a CSA Dip in Coaching Supervision. She is an active member of the Climate Coaching Alliance and a Clean Language trainer and facilitator. Jackie is a wife, mother and grandmother who is passionate about preserving the planet for future generations. She is a published author on coaching & coaching supervision “Coaching Skills for Leaders in the Workplace” and “Coaching Supervision at its BEST”.</p>

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Jackie Arnold

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Spare Field - Not in use - Hazel Farrer is a wellbeing and nature coach, corporate trainer, life coach and mindfulness teacher, integrating personal mastery and communication skills, play, complementary therapies, mindfulness principles, nature connection practices and spiritual traditions. She specialises in nature-based mindfulness and experiential learning, and runs mindful-nature courses, webinars and summits that explore the journey from mindfulness to nature connection and climate conscious action. She also teaches and writes for children in schools, and runs deep time walks and retreats in Portugal.

Spare Field - Not in use - David Tinker is a coach, consultant and coach supervisor. He is the co-founder of ProReal (now ReThinkly) and responsible for the original concept which is based on his training in sociodrama, storytelling and coaching. For years he’d noticed that groups and individual quickly accessed insight when they viewed and re-understood a situation from different perspectives - especially when standing in the shoes of others. The software enables this for groups of up to 10 remotely. The virtual world platform uses symbols, metaphor and representational positioning to provide rapid access to insight. The highly interactive and dynamic application can be used remotely so facilitator (coach/supervisor) and client don't need to be in the same post code.


Date And Time

Apr 20, 2023 @ 05:30 PM (GMT) to
Apr 20, 2023 @ 07:30 PM (GMT)


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