Coaches Looking after Mother Earth: Learning from an Indigenous Worldview

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Coaches Looking after Mother Earth: Learning from an Indigenous Worldview

Coaches Looking after Mother Earth: Learning from an Indigenous Worldview

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You are invited to a one hour panel discussion event in partnership with our local ICF Vancouver Island Chapter with guest panelists who are actively engaged in doing work around climate change to support and heal the environment.

This will be a two-part facilitated discussion where panelists will be invited to share what they feel is important about their work and how coaching is or could support them in the work they are doing. The session will wrap up with a call to action. All participants will be invited to commit to one thing they will do in their own lives in support of the planet.


Andrea Palframan (she/her) is the Director of Communication with RAVEN, an organization that supports access to justice for Indigenous Nations who take to the courts to defend their rights and protect the environment. She also runs a communications consultancy, Ampersand, supporting agents of change — non-profits, community-based organizations, and social entrepreneurs — to combine the power of storytelling with the strength of digital data.

She holds a Masters Degree in Intercultural and International Communication and a post-graduate certificate in Digital & Interactive Design from Emily Carr University of Art & Design, has published extensively in academic journals and environmental periodicals, and is the author of “Red Shoes on a Red Road.” Palframan is a settler of Scottish/Irish descent living on the unceded territories of the Hul’quiminum speaking peoples known as Salt Spring Island.

Chief Darren Blaney, Homalco First Nation (bio coming)

Kieran Harrop is an Executive, Leadership, and Team Coach who is passionate about supporting people to connect to themselves, the earth, and an emergent future inspired by a still voice from within us all. As an executive leader who has coached individuals and teams through complex transformational change with diverse global stakeholders, Kieran has over 25 years of experience as a coach, leader, and facilitator. Kieran is grateful to reside and work with his family and community on the ancestral homelands and unceded territories the W?SÁNE? and Lkwungen-speaking peoples. He is the President of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Vancouver Island and a Certified Systemic Team Coach awarded by the Academy of Executive Coaching. Kieran is Brené Brown Dare to Lead Trained, a Certified Deep Transformational Coach, and an ICF Associate Certified Coach.

Facilitated by Johanna Stiver, Vice President, VI Coaches, in collaboration with Lily Seto, MCC.

For ICF Coaches: 1 Resource Development CCEU

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Event Timezone Reference - Pacific

Presenter(s) Bio

Johanna Stiver is a settler of Icelandic, English, Scottish, Irish and German descent residing on what is now called Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, the traditional, ancestral territory of the Coast Salish, Hul’qumi’num and SEN?O?EN speaking peoples. Johanna is currently the Vice-President of the ICF Vancouver Island Charter Chapter and in her own coaching practice specializes in leadership coaching and organizational change with non-profit organizations, foundations, community development projects and collaborative networks. Johanna believes in the creation of long-term sustainable change for organizations through increased capacity and the shared ownership of change projects.  She is passionate about partnering with change makers and purpose-driven organizations to practice true collaboration, amplify their social and ecological impact and act in a way that nourishes themselves, the planet and each other.

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Date And Time

Mar 3, 2021 @ 07:00 PM (PDT) to
Mar 3, 2021 @ 08:00 PM (PDT)


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