ANZ Lab – Germinating the Seed – Inspiring public commitment to deal with climate change

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ANZ Lab – Germinating the Seed – Inspiring public commitment to deal with climate change

ANZ Lab – Germinating the Seed – Inspiring public commitment to deal with climate change

846 846 people viewed this event.

In this month’s meeting, Andrew Gaines will introduce a bold vision and innovative communication tools to inspire public commitment to deal with climate change.

One of the tools is Kitchen Table Conversations – a way of conducting conversations about the big picture drivers that increase CO2 emissions. This is important, because while a majority of people accept the reality of climate change, relatively few have thought through what it will take to actually deal with it. Far more is involved than shifting to renewable energy.

To take this to scale, Andrew and colleagues are catalyzing a global movement of citizen-educators. Inspiring Transition is the support platform. Climate scientist Michael Mann is on the Advisory Panel, and a number of CCA folks, among others, are active colleagues.

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Event Timezone Reference - Australia

Presenter(s) Bio

Andrew brings an unusual background to this conversation. He trained with Moshe Feldenkrais in the practical applications of the neurology of improving skilled performance. His motto is ‘I help good brains work better’ – and he shows ways we can all apply this to transformative social change. Andrew is also a psychotherapist and creativity trainer. He is trained in sustainability (The Natural Step) and in DesignShops.

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Tim Collings

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Spare Field - Not in use - Our regular meetings are co-hosted by Tim Collings, Heather-Jane Gray and Josie mcLean.

Spare Field - Not in use - Andrew Gaines will lead the presentation of this month's focal topic.


Date And Time

Jul 12, 2021 @ 03:30 PM (AEDT) to
Jul 12, 2021 @ 05:00 PM (AEDT)


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