New World Leader Conversations: Our Green Dream for People
About NWLCs:
NWLC is an opportunity to get diverse and grounded perspectives to questions you don’t have answers for at the workplace. Notions of time, space, distance and information have been distorted in ways never imagined before. The importance of connecting to get to a shared understanding is on us as knowledge thinkers and do-ers. Whether you are a people manager or not, if you are tired of the status quo and want to do different and better, you’re in good company. We are about global dialogue, not expert authority. This autumn, NWLCs will focus on sustainability and what a Green Dream means to us collectively.
In the 1st of a 3-part series, Ellagora’s NWLCs will kick off with the regeneration of People and our social connections. Join Ellagora’s managing principal, Eileen Lee Lavergne, long-time apparel industry executive, Archie Leung, and sustainability educator and blogger, Andre Goncalves, to personalize and ground the SDG dialogue to your everyday life as we take this communion with nature together for social impact.
Restoration of Planet and our natural environment will follow next in November, and in December, the renewal of our Prosperity lens that’s not solely governed or managed for profit or valued for the benefit to modern society.
Dare to experiment with your own power to be part of nature’s regenerative agents. Save your seat now and stay tuned for updates.
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Event Timezone Reference - France
Presenter(s) Bio
About the host: As managing principal of Ellagora™, Eileen Lee Lavergne partners with executive change-makers to think, lead and build on the unimaginable and the possible, winning differently and humanely. She gets fired up about co-creating new “futures” at the intersection of business-technology advancements and organization, market or industry disruptions. Eileen started her career, consulting with AT&T, Accenture, P&G, Organon and state government bodies for Burson-Marsteller, and was handpicked to be among its first cohort of knowledge asset managers from which she caught the tech bug. She joined the client-side, working with B2B multinational organizations and learnt from some of the best engineering and management consulting minds in fast-paced industry innovations, but conscious of ever-growing global inequity and the digital divide. Eileen joined Cisco's emerging markets consulting and social investment mandate to advance ICT for socioeconomic development, after obtaining her MA degree from the University of Westminster, majoring in globalization. Finding human dynamics to be sorely neglected in change programs, she pursued an executive master’s in systemic change and organization development from HEC Paris and Oxford Said Business School UK. Today, she strives to place people and planet into the intervention equation of organizational or business growth strategies, as a change practitioner and development facilitator. She is a board director with the Change Leaders (tCL) and is a certified executive coach accredited with EMCC and ICF.
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Spare Field - Not in use - Archie Leung, newly established in London, UK, is a HK-born Chinese, and long-time executive of the US apparel conglomerate PVH Group which owns Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, & Heritage brands. With over 28 years of inimitable experience in strategic and project management gained from working with/within international companies, Archie is a strong planner, strategic and visionary, with astute positioning skills in evaluating business development opportunities implemented in an entrepreneurial, customer-centric and value-driven manner. His competence and professionalism in more than 16 years of hands-on experience and proven success in the setting up and expansion of a fashion textile company has made him skilled at strong cost-profit analyses, specific budget planning, insightful decision-making and result-oriented performance to master market challenges through pragmatic, achievable solutions. Archie is very Team-Centric for collaborative success, proficient at interacting with people at all levels, adaptable in embracing company cultures, and a propagator of success through team multi-tasking, prioritizing, problem-solving and conflict management crucial in a multi-cultural environment. Years of proven success, originally as Production & Sourcing manager of Wishbone Trading (1992-1996), then Senior Merchandising Manager of High Fashion Group (1996-1998), followed by almost 2 decades as Managing Director of China Ting Group – Shanghai/Hangzhou offices (1998-2015) has been the platform for his in-depth skills in the fashion industry from the inside. Following this, from 2015-2018, Mr. Leung was VP of Sourcing for Li & Fung Group (HK) who, then, had exclusive rights of representation for the group PVH USA. With the non-renewal of the said contract resulting from PVH restructuring, he was invited to join the PVH Group as Country Manager for China operations.
Spare Field - Not in use - Andre Agrela Gonçalvez is a sustainability "native", having left the corporate HR world to dedicate his work towards sustainability. He is an avid blogger for YouMatter and runs workshops to educate and help Portugese SMEs make sense of the science and data to being green.