Climate Cafe (UK evening)

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Climate Cafe (UK evening)

Climate Cafe (UK evening)

658 658 people viewed this event.

You are warmly welcomed to a climate café : simple, hospitable, empathic gathering where fears, uncertainties & hopes about climate crisis can be safely expressed.

It’s a confidential, respectful space where you can meet with others and express your feelings about climate and ecological breakdown. Where you can talk safely and informally about what it means for you, perhaps find common ground, and listen to others’ diverse experiences and feelings.

There are no guest speakers, no lectures, no advice and no expectations that you will join any cause or take any action, although of course if you want to, that’s up to you. It’s not a therapy group although naturally talking about and sharing feelings can be very therapeutic.

It is suitable for wherever you are on the Eco-Phase cycle and you can come to this meeting as a one off or to future events. There is no charge. Despite the name “cafe” it’s not a drop in situation – we ask that you stay for the whole meeting because it allows everyone to feel heard. We meet online via Zoom so you will need reliable internet access, a private space, Zoom and a camera, as well as audio.

The meeting starts at 1830 hours GMT and finishes at 2000 GMT.

It will be facilitated by Linda Aspey and Halina Pytlasinska.

Please register here via the Eventbrite link –
Zoom details will be in the confirmation email. Places are capped at 8 – so if you are interested book soon. And if you find you can no longer attend please come back here to cancel your place so that someone else on the waiting list can take it!

Additional Details

Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom

Presenter(s) Bio

Linda Aspey & Halina Pytlasinska.

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Linda Aspey

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Date And Time

Jan 18, 2022 @ 06:30 PM (GMT) to
Jan 18, 2022 @ 08:00 PM (GMT)


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