Climate Cafe Listening Circle – Online – with Zoe Cohen & Linda Aspey
What is a Climate Café?
This Climate Café is based on the approach developed by the Climate Psychology Alliance to give people confidential time and safe, supportive spaces to share their feelings about the climate, environmental and social justice crises.
There is no charge.
It’s normal to feel a range of emotions at different times, from indifferent to grief-struck, and anything in between; talking about them can help us to make sense and keep going despite bad news. Talking also strengthens our connection to others and to the living world, and allows us to stay awake to the reality without being overwhelmed.
Climate Cafés help different people in different ways – for example some say they feel less alone, some experience relief at being able to speak about what others in their lives may not want to hear, and others are glad to get back in touch with important feelings they’ve pushed away.
You may not really know what you want to get from coming, but we hope that it will be a worthwhile experience for you.
There are up to 10 places.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - CARE: The times displayed for this event have been set to GMT/UTC as they will vary due to the application of Daylight Savings (BST, CEST, DST etc) around the globe. For example, UK local time will be GMT(UTC)+1. However, event registration will provide you with the correct start and finish times for your location.
Presenter(s) Bio
Zoe Cohen and Linda Aspey are coaches, facilitators and activists. You can read more about us here, and if you would like to, connect.
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