CCA Southern UK Community: Explore and Discuss

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CCA Southern UK Community: Explore and Discuss

CCA Southern UK Community: Explore and Discuss

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It’s WORLD SCIENCE DAY FOR PEACE & DEVELOPMENT!  This could be highly relevant to Climate Coaching.

What science based tools, models and methodology have you learned that might be used for development in a way that will help meet climate ecology and social justice goals?

Reducing the likelihood of resource scarcity and improving social justice can increase the chances of peace in the future. Raising awareness, engagement and activism for climate and social justice could therefore be seen as peace work. Is peace, like human rights, something that we should be willing to fight for? How do we reconcile the paradoxes and navigate those tensions when they arise in our coaching work? Is this an art, or is there science that can help us in this space?

What links are you making? What are you curious about?

Our Explore and Discuss meetings run monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Our framework is flexible and our community is friendly: if you are a coach in the Southern part of the UK come and join us. We invite people to think about a theme and Explore and Discuss tools, models and methodology that have been useful, to include some input. The more we put in, the better the learning gets!

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Event Timezone Reference - UK

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Lorenza Clifford

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Date And Time

Nov 10, 2020 @ 09:00 AM (UTC) to
Nov 10, 2020 @ 11:00 AM (UTC)


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