Compassion Retreat Spaces and Compassion Community of Practice (Retreat Space 4: Balcony)
As part of the CCA’s Compassion Seasonal Heartbeat, we will be offering a four-session series of Compassion Retreat Spaces, after which we will launch a Compassion Community of Practice (CCoP). This is the fourth gathering in the series
The Compassion Retreat Spaces, and subsequent Compassion Community of Practice, are designed to help CCA members – and by extension, their clients – to turn gently towards where there is numbing, and to kindly meet difficult emotions, wherever participants find themselves in the Cycle.
The Spaces are designed to support nourishing, deep adaptive individual and community-based reflection, learning, growth and renewal, and be supportive of conscious intention-setting for 2025. Each Space will introduce a compassion practice and will explore a particular theme. The hope is that CCA members will attend all four sessions and all are welcome to attend any session.
This fourth retreat space in the series of four considers the following questions:
· As you reflect back on the U what do you notice?
· And compassion practice? What have you learned? What insight has emerged?
· Compassion Community of Practice
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Event Timezone Reference - GMT
Presenter(s) Bio
This two-pronged initiative is being offered by Liz Hall, Jane Brendgen, Lindsay Wittenberg and Mark McMordie.
Mark McMordie is CEO of the Conscious Leader, co-author of Mindfulness for Coaches and contributor to Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching. He works with CEOs and leaders to create compassionate, psychologically safe and innovative organizations that leave the world better than they found it. He helps leaders to develop the inner and outer capacities for more inclusive, inquiry-based leadership and organization transformation.
Liz Hall is leadership coach and editor of Coaching at Work magazine and the author of publications including Mindful Coaching, Coach Your Team, and Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation. A vegan, she lives in southern Spain with various loved ones including a host of rescue animals.
Jane Brendgen is the founder of Compassionate Cultures. She is an executive and therapeutic coach, supervisor, psychological safety team facilitator and columnist for Coaching at Work. She is the co-author of Mindfulness-based Relational Supervision: Mutual learning and transformation. She supports individuals in their professional and personal contexts to understand, nurture, transform and mature their views, qualities and capacities in a way that can lead to inner and outer flourishing for the greater good.
Lindsay Wittenberg is an executive coach and enables developmental reflection for leaders, and she coaches for development and transformation. She equips senior people to gain fresh perspectives, achieve shifts in their thinking and behaviour, release more of their talent, and find peace with themselves and their environment. She works both one-to-one and one-to-team, the latter particularly in relation to psychological safety, its sources, and the dynamics that build and sustain it. She is a systemic practitioner, complemented by psychological and somatic perspectives, enabling a deeply safe and compassionate environment in which clients feel able to be vulnerable - and so access new ways of thinking and being that can lead to transformation.
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Posted By - Mark McMordie
Email - mark@consciousleader.co.uk
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