With the Earth in Mind User Experience Group
For coaches to investigate this systemic framework to facilitate coaching conversations on the climate & environment.
This will be the opening discussion and the beginning of the User Experience Group. We ask that you have participated in one of the With the Earth in Mind (WTEIM) introduction sessions with Linda Aspey. In this first gathering, we will discuss individual expectations and needs. This session will include:-
- Assigning you to the coaching pairs that you will co-coach using the tool, with time to experiment in the session.
- An introduction to the monthly peer-group supervision that will be on offer.
- An overview of how we intend to capture and record experiential data.
- Any other needs or considerations we/you have and a chance to ask questions.
To be a part of the With Earth In Mind User Experience Group we are asking for your Commitment to participate in:
- 3 peer-to-peer coaching sessions working with the WTEIM model over 3 months.
- Quarterly meetings to collect feedback on the model.
- Quarterly meetings will also act as a space to welcome new coach participants.
There is also the option to:
- Attend monthly peer-group supervision on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 9 am starting on 1st February 2022.
- Test the WTEIM model with coaching clients and coaching peers.
- Continue peer-testing the model, with the ongoing group beyond 3 months.
With the Earth in Mind is a systemic framework to help people increase their awareness of their relationship with, and responses to, climate change and ecological decline, so they can become more intentional, purposeful, and proactive. It can be used by, and with, individuals for personal exploration, with coaches and coaching supervisors for professional supervision, and with coachees, teams, groups, and leaders of communities and organisations. It can be freely used (with attribution) for personal or professional use, including commercial use.
Participants will be supported to explore the model, experiment together (in pairs), take it away to further test it out with their peers, supervisees, or clients, and reflect on and discuss this experimentation as a group.
Information on With The Earth in Mind framework and guidance notes can be found on Linda Aspey’s website here.
Future dates & commitment:
Register in advance for the With the Earth in Mind peer-group supervision at 9.00 am on 1st of February 2022: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcucu2opj8tGtBZcUNi1NtYJIkpjpsPuapL
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom
Presenter(s) Bio
Camilla Degerth will be facilitating this session.
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Posted By - mel shearsmith
Email - awideningfield@outlook.com
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