Inner Resonance for Outer Climate Peace
Your Inner Resonance can impact your outer climate peace. How? Kat Haber will guide you into your inner resonance by finding “What is yours to do?” We are nowhere we need to be to keep human living conditions intact. Floods, heat, wildfires, landslides, droughts, rainbombs, Xtreme weather events are happening faster and more ferociously than ever. This is a matter of survival. Loudly and clearly, listen to your inner silence and imagination to find your finer future.
How does Inner Resonance work? We’ll set the stage by agreeing on certain inner agreements that set the conditions to allow your own automatic system to instantly rebalance and harmonize itself physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, and in relationships, transforming all parts of your life. You’ll learn self-healing to keep “peeling off the layers” as needed daily. You’ll learn how to activate the self-healing regenerative programs of the body through the power of the mind and spirit, which have command over the physical, human world. Inner Resonance works in all layers of consciousness. Unconsciously, at the Superconscious level, outside of time and space, for immediate and rapid results, you’ll consciously create the kind of world, both personal and collective, that you have only dreamed possible! And all of this with peace, ease, and grace.
Peace on Earth is complex and challenging. I celebrate you showing up for the survival of life for all our relations! Inner Resonance Technology re-activates your built-in programs that have been interrupted by stress or trauma, switching on the body-mind’s innate ability to rebalance and harmonize itself by clearing out those interference patterns. There is no need to relive or re-experience or even know what wants to be cleared. You’ll catalyze and boost each & every system, process and technique into the instant results of quantum timelessness. The programmed complexities offer a corresponding simplicity of access.
Climate change is human-caused and is within our human capacity to change human attitudes and behaviors. Or what may be quickly phased out is not fossil fuels but rather humans living in a healthy Earth. Save your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inner-resonance-for-outer-climate-peace-tickets-765500280947
Earth thanks you.
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Event Timezone Reference - United States
Presenter(s) Bio
Hey there! Kat Haber here, meow!
Founder, CEO, TRUST Climate Action Strategists
I get to ? through life as a climate action strategist, TEDx Organizer & world ?? advocate.
?? I help climate-concerned & their networks identify solutions to do daily in their lives in fun ways.?
What I do: ? Climate Reality Leader/Mentor in Chicago since 2013.? Activist: walked across the country (USA) in the Great March for Climate Action from LA to DC from March to November in 2014 & was arrested on November 4, protesting the rubber-stamping of fracking infrastructure at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission HQ in DC?
?? Promotor of World Peace as the Charter President of the virtual global WE Rotary Club of International Peace in 2014 ? Plant HEIWA Rotary Hiroshima Survivor Peace Trees ?
?? Competed in the 1988 Calgary Olympics in aerial freestyle skiing ?? Special trick: a quadruple daffy (4 splits 75 feet in the air). ?
???? Mentor with Moonshot Pirates ???? World Pulse Digital Empowerment Ambassador?
?? Inspiring teens & young professionals for world wilderness conservation, serving on the WILD Foundation Board of Directors for 18 years. ?
? In 2020 lockdown, my team and I curated & produced 28 TEDxVail COUNTDOWN COVID Clues, Climate Acts, Local Impacts online conversations with elders, youth, indigenous, Xperts, CEO's, NGO execs. ??
? TEDxVail Organizer since 2009. The top talk has racked up 3.1 million views (& counting)! ??
Handy links:?
?TEDxVail Follow @TEDxVail on IG & Twitter & Facebook & YouTube & TED.com - all our TEDxVail talks are on YouTube / TED.com ?
?? Great March for Climate Action
? DM me on LinkedIn & Facebook
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Posted By - Kat Haber
Email - KatHaber@aol.com
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