CCA UK South – Part 2 – How to bring systems thinking into coaching conversations

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CCA UK South – Part 2 – How to bring systems thinking into coaching conversations

CCA UK South – Part 2 – How to bring systems thinking into coaching conversations

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As predicted we ran out of time when we started our discovery into Systems Thinking on the 10th August, this is part two, focusing on how to bring Systems Thinking into our Coaching Conversations.

The systems-thinking lens allows us to reclaim our intuition about whole systems and hone our abilities to understand parts, see interconnections, ask “what-if” questions about possible future behaviours, and be creative and courageous about system redesign. Then we can use our insights to make a difference in ourselves and our world.

We will pick up on Nina’s presentation on how we bring this into our coaching conversations and then break into small co-coaching groups to enable us to bring our own situations to the topic.

The session will end with group reflection.


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Event Timezone Reference - United Kingdom

Presenter(s) Bio

Presenter/host: Nina Dar is an intuitive system thinker, who believes passionately in the sustainable change that can be delivered through systems thinking and analysis. She has continually tried bring this to her consultancy and coaching work and has more stories of failure than success, which in her mind, is testament to how hard it is, and how little people really understand it. She believes it is the key tool in bringing climate change into coaching conversations, as we need to see the whole elephant and understand it's behaviour, function and purpose, before we believe it's too big and we must eat it in pieces. Nina is the founder of Cheeky Monkey Business Solutions, a Change Management Consultancy that has delivered complex, global change programs for corporate clients that wanted to introduce "a human approach to innovation and change". Over the last 17 years, her experience has been in systems change, data eco-systems & product life cycles. Her book, Transform Your Business, 99 Steps to achieve success, was published in 2011 Nina now blends consultancy and coaching, offering 1:1 and small group sessions helping leaders lead through sustainable change. Designed to deliver the gap between commitments, plans and actions.

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Nina Dar

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Spare Field - Not in use - Lorenza Clifford will host the session: her message is: "We'd like you to join us. It's a friendly and broad group of coaches who practise in different ways. We enjoy learning from our differences as well as resonating with what is common to us. You are very welcome to join this event as a one-off, too. If you have not been a member of our group before, you can tell us afterward whether you would like to remain on our list as a member or would prefer not to."

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Date And Time

Aug 24, 2021 @ 09:00 AM (GMT) to
Aug 24, 2021 @ 11:00 AM (GMT)


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