CCA South UK Community

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CCA South UK Community

CCA South UK Community

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To Co-coach in confidence for development around our thinking and confidence to show up and face the challenges in our climate and sustainable future coaching work, including how to get started, cases arising, how I feel and self sustaining in the work.

Each meeting is different because we flex to meet our needs as much as we can, but here is roughly the idea..

15 minute brief check in, 1h30m in confidential co-coaching trios, see process below 15 min brief developmental wrap up, about what you learned in the trios, mindful of confidentiality.

In the trios there are 3 roles: Coach, Thinker and Observer and each person in the trio takes a turn in each role.

• The Coach briefs the Observer what they would like observational feedback about, then coaches the Thinker toward the outcome they name.

• The Thinker brings their issue (a case where they are raising climate consciousness or would like to, thinking about how to contract for this work, what stops them challenging around sustainability, gaining permission.. etc) and expects to be coached toward the outcome they name.

• This takes 20 minutes, the remaining time being for the Observer..

• The Observer is time keeper, listens carefully and gives specific observational feedback as briefed to the Coach (what they did or said, and how that impacted.) They can then add two questions or observations to the Thinker to take away for reflection.

• The Thinker and Coach just say thank you, or clarify, but this is not a discussion.. just information to ponder.

• The trio rotates roles. Etc. Each rotation takes just under 30 minutes.

We come together at the end for a brief sharing of what we are taking away.

Additional Details

Event Timezone Reference - UK

Presenter(s) Bio

Lorenza Clifford

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Lorenza

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Spare Field - Not in use - Carol Foussat

Spare Field - Not in use - Michael Stock


Date And Time

Jan 26, 2021 @ 09:00 AM (UTC) to
Jan 26, 2021 @ 11:00 AM (UTC)


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