Change for Climate Coaching: Navigating uncertainty
As climate change impacts more and more our lives and conversations, there are some who think that we will save the planet, some who think that this is irreversible and some in between.
No matter where you find yourself standing on this spectrum today, we invite you to explore the question “how do I want to be present in here and now regardless of how things turn out in the end?”
The workshop will focus on the fringe topic of our adaptation to unknown territories. Together, we will explore how we, as coaches, can move beyond the uncertainty and despite of it:
• Find inner clarity and purpose
• Engage with our inner talents and resources
• Keep up doing what is important and meaningful for ourselves and our clients
Plenary and small group settings: Sharing and reflecting of relevant experiences, mutual learning and Q&A discoveries
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - UTC
Presenter(s) Bio
Peter Szabo, retired Master Certified Coach (ICF) and trainer of coaches, author of “The Art of Re-tuning - when life does not stick to plan” (2018), voluntary end-of-life conversations with people in hospice Fania Pallikarakis, Professional Certified Coach (ICF) in Solution-Focused Brief Coaching. Currently working for the Research Centre of the European Commission on fostering better communications and collaboration.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Peter Szabo
Email - szabo@bluewin.ch
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