The great awakening: Inkan wisdom
Are you moved to create real change to our climate crisis? Become a human bridge to nature through the Global Paqo School
In January of 2021, in response to the pandemic and the general state of the world, Elizabeth Jenkins and 12 Q’ero Paqos from Peru (Inka priests of Nature wisdom) opened the Global Paqo School. According to Don Martin Q’espi Machacca from the Charqapata community of Q’ero Nation, this was not the opening of a new school, rather, this marked “the re-opening of the ancient school of Pachamama” (Mother Earth). Here, each student is taught how to become a living “human bridge to Nature” and as such, a larger percentage of humanity can take on the task of keeping the harmony between humanity and Nature, a duty previously relegated only to indigenous wisdom keepers and their communities.
During this presentation Elizabeth will describe a little about her personal transformation through the tradition starting in 1988, the school, and how we work with the “collision of the Western and Andean mind” in the translation of worldviews. Elizabeth will offer stories, and some authentic practices from these Masters of Kausay Pacha, the “world of living energies”.
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Presenter(s) Bio
Elizabeth B. Jenkins, MA, MFT is a Mom, Organic Farmer, 35 year student of Inka Nature Wisdom held by the Q'ero Nation of Peru, and international best-selling author of three books on Inka Nature Wisdom. She founded Wiraqocha Foundation in 1996, the US umbrella organization for Willka Yachay--the only organization successful in creating schools in Q'ero Nation, and recently co-founded Q'ero Wayruroni Association, to better serve the Q'ero communities in Peru. She resides with her yanantin Barney, on her organic coffee and macadamia nut farm on the Big Island of Hawai`i where she collaborates with Native Hawaiian elders and the magical Volcanic Island forces of Nature.
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Posted By - Hazel Farrer
Email - hazel@mindful-natureconnection.com
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