Spektro Playback Theatre: We dare you!
The festival is on fire and the climate is getting hotter, but what’s cooking in you right now? Come and bring your stories, thoughts and emotions about being you, or around climate change, or coaching. Be you and dare to share something for us. We will listen and enact what we see back for you and the audience. Maybe you’ll see or feel something new. Or at least feel brave and seen.
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Event Timezone Reference - GMT
Presenter(s) Bio
We are Spektro! We perform playback theatre, a form of improvisational theatre based on the audience's stories. We are a part of the global playback community and perform for both open audiences as well as for organisations, businesses and education. With us storytelling is brought alive with words, poetry, music and dance, without script or score. Insights and connections are burning in our urban campfire. (Connect with us via our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/spektroplayback)
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Jens Malmström
Email - hej@jensmalmstrom.se
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